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  • NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission – What People and Families Need to Know
image of a group of people at a table with laptop and a pen and notepad having a discussion.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission – What People and Families Need to Know

Purpose of project

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission was established in WA in December 2020. The NDIS Commission’s role is to ensure that people in the NDIS receive safe and good quality services from their NDIS providers and workers that uphold the person’s human rights.

The purpose of this project was to help people in the NDIS, their families and informal carers learn about their rights, protections and responsibilities under the NDIS Commission so they can feel more confident and capable to receive good quality and safe NDIS supports and services.

The project was state-wide, covering metropolitan, regional and remote Western Australia. It also had particular focus on people with complex communication needs, people from ELD backgrounds, people experiencing restrictive practices and people directly engaging their own support workers. The 3-year project was funded by Government of Western Australia, Department of Communities. It was originally delivered through WA’s Individualised Services but, with the closure of that organisation, it was transferred to Kin for completion. The project at Kin ran for 7 months.

What we did

In the 7 months of the project at Kin, we provided workshops and on-to-one mentoring people, families and advocates around key NDIS Commission topics, including:

  • NDIS Quality and Safeguards: What People with NDIS Plans and Families Need to Know
  • NDIS Quality and Safeguards: Practical Tips for Managing your NDIS Support Workers (including the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework)
  • Complaints about quality and safety of NDIS services and supports
  • NDIS Worker screening
  • NDIS Provider registration
  • NDIS Positive Behaviour Support and Restrictive Practices
  • NDIS Review Recommendations 15 and 22 – creating a culturally sensitive, disability aware culture across government agencies, NDIS providers and workforce
  • Submitting to the Registration Taskforce for ELD People and Families – Your Stories

We also developed resources and translated them into 10 community languages. These are available on our resources page here.


We provided 15 workshops and 31 mentoring sessions to over 200 people. Our sessions were well received and the quality and relevance of the information to people and families was consistently highlighted by attendee feedback. Six resources about the NDIS Commission were created and translated into 10 languages and made freely available in hardcopy and on the Kin website.