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Page Categories: What we do

Two ladies talking in the Kin office

Individual Advocacy

We understand the importance of speaking your own language. Everyone’s stories, languages and dreams are different. Unique. Important. That’s why our people are here to provide you with individually tailored support that can see you unlock a world of possibilities.
5 Kin committee members during a Board of Management meeting

Systemic Advocacy

Our systemic advocacy work seeks to influence and secure positive long-term changes in society for people with disabilities, including changes to legislations and government policies and practices that impact negatively on diverse people with disability.
Young migrant woman filling out a form


We know that you are the expert of your own experience. Our advocates provide information and guidance – they know the facts – while you get to determine how much help you need. At Kin, we empower you to make the choices that impact you directly.
Two migrant women laughing whilst they enjoy morning tea

Projects & Programs

Our projects and programs directly address community needs we’ve identified through advocacy. Think English classes specially designed for people with learning disabilities. We welcome partnerships with like-minded organisations for future projects targeting real people’s needs.
Kin CEO facilitating a training session

Training & Consultancy

To meet the needs of the increasingly diverse West Australian community, service providers are required to become more culturally competent at all levels of service provision and management. Our training service is specifically designed for disability support agencies and is linked to the National Standards for Disability Services (NSDS), National Standards for Mental Health Services and the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators.
two migrant women from diverse background engaging in group activities

Community Hub

The space at Kin main office in Osborne Park has been designed to be a culturally safe space for the people we support. It is somewhere communities can meet, specifically designed for people with disability. A community space for your community.

Case studies

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