Issue addressed
The WA ISP model is being developed to directly improve the support available to WA residents with intellectual and cognitive disabilities when they are interacting with the WA Police.
It will focus on the principles of early identification, immediate support, and potential intervention and diversion opportunities at the initial points of contact with the WA Police.
The model will first be designed to support those WA residents who are from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds due to the disproportionate incarceration rates and will be adaptable to recognise and reflect the different needs and complexities associated with different groups.
Project partners
This work is being undertaken with People with Disabilities WA and involves a high level working group with representatives from multiple agencies, departments and services including the Departments of Communities, Justice and Premier and Cabinet, as well as WA Police, Legal Aid, Community Legal WA, Uniting WA and the Mental Health Commission.
What we did
The work was first identified in a PwDWA feasibility study in 2015 and was raised again following a 2019 EDAC project on Aboriginal Disability related issues across the entire WA Justice system.
The working group also acknowledges there is a significant appetite across the community and strong potential for this principle to be expanded across other areas of the WA Justice system and be easily adaptable across other user cohorts.
For more information about this important work please contact Noel Johnstone [email protected] 0400 873 509.
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